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About Us

About Blue Dog


Blue Dog Media, owned and operated by Alison Grey Germain, is a digital media consulting business in Bozeman, Montana that brings 15 years of marketing and outreach experience.

Blue Dog is named after Alison’s favorite fur friend, a sweet pup who reminds her that consistency and balance are crucial in both life and digital media.

Alison collaborates with businesses, organizations and food cooperatives to elevate their social and online presence through both management and training. By effectively reaching target groups based on customer data, Alison helps her clients find the right customers at the right time.

Born and raised in Bozeman, Alison is grateful to work, live and raise her family in such a beautiful place.

Is Blue Dog a good fit for your business? Let’s chat!

Blue Dog was such a blessing with my small business! I was struggling with content for social media and making the post interesting enough that people would actually stop and look at my product. Alison had so many great ideas and got all of the posts scheduled for me. And when the pandemic hit I was extremely nervous about the impact it would have with all of the farmers markets shutting down. But with her ad campaigns and great social media ideas, my online sales actually doubled in the first year.
— Maggie Seaburg